You can learn more about our other forms of outdoor advertising:

You can survey prices and buy billboards online at: WikiOOH 

We will measure the effectiveness of your outdoor advertising at: Compass Tech

In major cities in Vietnam, moving is a necessity! According to the survey, more than 80% of the population has a preference to go out rather than stay at home during working days or holidays. Outdoor advertising, especially on moving vehicles, easily attracts the attention of passersby and is very effective.

Electro Bike (Kino-mo display) is a new form of offline advertising invented in the UK, exclusively in Asia by Synario Inc (Japan) and distributed by mediba Ads. This is a new form of outdoor advertising with strong visual stimulation, applied for the first time in Vietnam.

Quảng cáo trên bánh xe đạp Electro Bike (Kino-mo display)

Moving on the street – Electro Bike (Kino-mo display)

Electro Bike (Kino-mo display) _ Khi dừng

When stopping at a point

Electro Bike (Kino-mo display) trang trí tại shop

Electro Bike (Kino-mo display) decorated at the shop

quảng cáo xe đạp điện kimono ads tại Ministop

Kimono e-bike ads at Ministop

Video demonstration

According to a survey in Europe:
– 88% of people surveyed believe this form of advertising is memorable.
– 96% of people surveyed believe that bicycle advertising is more effective than outdoor billboard advertising.
– 98% of people surveyed also believe that bicycle advertising creates a good scenario for event advertising.

Recommended campaign:
– A number of  advertising vehicles  (animated, or static) are run around the downtown area.
– A number of advertising vehicles running around an event area

Let your brand shine and be widely accepted by the public.

How do your ads appear on this ad type?

SHOJIKI Advertising Joint Stock Company – is proud to be one of the leading advertising agencies in Vietnam. With the authorization from Grab, we are committed to bringing you the most prestigious and influential advertising service along with:

  • Support service  GENERAL CONSULTATION  of advertising strategies
  • SUPPORT SERVICE FOR DESIGNING content, advertising images
  • The construction team deploys the advertisement  FAST  and  ONLY
  • WARRANTY mode   for the duration of the campaign
  • Attractive DISCOUNTS  and  SALES   for customers

In short, the Grab app is a great place to advertise your business. That’s why you should place ads here. By contacting Shojiki, we will provide you with more detailed information.